
Now Offering Acupuncture and Herbal Appointments for Canine and Equine Patients in Keweenaw County, Michigan.

  • Initial Acupuncture/TCVM Appointments are $225 (followup Appointments and Clinic Pricing $155 per visit) and include the following:

    • Thorough patient history including review of pertinent tests and imaging from primary care veterinarian

    • Communication with primary care veterinarian as necessary depending on the demands of the case

    • Equine Acupuncture appointment including

      • Conventional Standing Orthopedic Evaluation (May include dynamic evaluation)

      • Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical (TCVM) Exam

      • Acupuncture Diagnostic Scan

      • Acupuncture Treatment with dry needles

      • Comprehensive Acupuncture Report shared with owner, trainer, and primary care veterinarian

      • Each Equine Acupuncture appointment may include the following services:

        • aromatherapy with essential oils,

        • light massage

        • Depending on patient needs, electroacupuncture and aquapuncture with Vitamin B12/Sarapin (additional fee) can be utilized for stronger therapy

        • Custom Traditional Chinese Herbal Prescription and Food Therapy Recommendations

  • TELEHEALTH/ Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Herbal Consults $150


      • Case Review: Thorough evaluation of patient history including review of medical records, laboratory results, diagnostic imaging, surgical and medical treatments and current pharmaceutical therapy

      • Communication with primary care veterinarian and/or trainer depending on the demands of the case

      • Video Call to establish Valid Client/Patient Relationship (state dependent) and to help assess behavior and orthopedic comfort

      • Nutrition Review (Ask about Full Nutritional Analysis for an additional fee)

      • Supplement/Nutraceutical Review

      • Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical (TCVM) History and Behavior Assessment

      • TCVM Diagnostic Pattern Assessment

      • Recommendations and Guidance for incorporating Alternative Medicine with current conventional Medicine including but not limited to: Herbal Medicine, Nutrition (Food Therapy), Lifestyle and Management, client directed acupressure, rehabilitation therapy along with networking for local practitioners.