Now Offering Acupuncture and Herbal Appointments for Canine and Equine Patients in Keweenaw County, Michigan.
Initial Acupuncture/TCVM Appointments are $225 (followup Appointments and Clinic Pricing $155 per visit) and include the following:
Thorough patient history including review of pertinent tests and imaging from primary care veterinarian
Communication with primary care veterinarian as necessary depending on the demands of the case
Equine Acupuncture appointment including
Conventional Standing Orthopedic Evaluation (May include dynamic evaluation)
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical (TCVM) Exam
Acupuncture Diagnostic Scan
Acupuncture Treatment with dry needles
Comprehensive Acupuncture Report shared with owner, trainer, and primary care veterinarian
Each Equine Acupuncture appointment may include the following services:
aromatherapy with essential oils,
light massage
Depending on patient needs, electroacupuncture and aquapuncture with Vitamin B12/Sarapin (additional fee) can be utilized for stronger therapy
Custom Traditional Chinese Herbal Prescription and Food Therapy Recommendations
TELEHEALTH/ Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Herbal Consults $150
Case Review: Thorough evaluation of patient history including review of medical records, laboratory results, diagnostic imaging, surgical and medical treatments and current pharmaceutical therapy
Communication with primary care veterinarian and/or trainer depending on the demands of the case
Video Call to establish Valid Client/Patient Relationship (state dependent) and to help assess behavior and orthopedic comfort
Nutrition Review (Ask about Full Nutritional Analysis for an additional fee)
Supplement/Nutraceutical Review
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical (TCVM) History and Behavior Assessment
TCVM Diagnostic Pattern Assessment
Recommendations and Guidance for incorporating Alternative Medicine with current conventional Medicine including but not limited to: Herbal Medicine, Nutrition (Food Therapy), Lifestyle and Management, client directed acupressure, rehabilitation therapy along with networking for local practitioners.